Since the version 3.1.0, kScenes is released as free software under GNU General Public License version 3.
The software does not send any data to the developer.
When the software starts, it only scans the folder that is set as default pictures folder, for checking changes.
Following the scan, the software only indexes and caches images in bmp, gif, heic, jpeg, jpg, png, webp, xcf, tiff, tif, dcm and dds formats.
kScenes is designed using Python and PySide6. The app includes Qt libraries and ImageMagick.
PySide6 is Qt module for Python to output interface, while ImageMagick is a command-line program that handles images.
kScenes uses Qt libraries dynamically under GNU Lesser General Public License version 3. There is no modification in Qt source code.
The copyright of ImageMagick is owned by ImageMagick Studio LLC. The use of ImageMagick is licensed under the ImageMagick License.
Yike Jiang
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